Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Apostrophe Vol.26, Ep.53

Good Morning, World!

Today, I am thankful for good friends! Friends who go shopping with me for hours, keep me from purchasing MORE movies, share fries dipped in a chocolate shake, and lend me their power cord when mine breaks.

I am thankful for christmas lights, dropping temperatures that mean snow is near, and firelight on a cold and starry december night.

I am thankful for warm blankets, a new toothbrush, and just dance 3. Those three things aren't really related, except in that I am thankful for all of them.

I am thankful for good memories, discovering habits handed down from grandparents, and old friends, as close to me as family, who love me as me and don't expect me to be anyone else.

I am thankful for my family; father, mother, and brothers, my sneaky dog, and my sweet cat. Thank You, God, for parents who care for and support me, brothers who love me, a dog who comes when he's called, and a cat who loves only me (and my mother on good days).

And I am thankful for you, whoever you are, far or near. Thanks for reading, commenting, and challenging me and each other.

What are you thankful for?

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