Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Ampersand, Vol.1, Ep.2

What is most important in long-lasting romantic relationships?

Some say chemistry. Others, common interests. And, still others, commitment. I think everyone has a different answer of what they believe is most important to maintain a healthy relationship with a lifelong partner. And while I think chemistry, common interests, and commitment are important to sustaining a relationship between significant others, I don't think they are crucial.

In fact, I am fairly certain that the vast majority of the world does not share my view. I believe that theological agreement is most important in maintaining a healthy growing romantic lifelong relationship. That's right. I said "theological agreement." That means that we believe the same things about God. For example, God created the world in six 24 hour days. God sent his son, Jesus, to die on the cross for me, so I could go to heaven because without Jesus I am going to hell. I deserve to go to hell because I have sinned (that's right, me, I have sinned, once, twice, a hundred times, any which way I deserve to go to hell). Only faith in Jesus saves me from hell and only Jesus gives me the gift of eternal life with Him. These are the beliefs that significant others must agree on. There are other nuances of the Christian faith which are also crucial to the success of marriage. Interpretation of Ephesians 5, for example. (Look it up and comment below with your interpretation.)

Whether or not you and your significant other agree with my interpretation is not as important as if you and your sig oth's interpretations agree. Get it?

Also, helpful if your faith and interpretations are based on the truth of the Bible. That takes time, so the second more important aspect of a successful relationship would be a mutual willingness to learn, grow, and accept theological correction as necessary. So even if your interpretation changes, as long as you and your sig oth agree and base changes on the Bible, and you both agree, you're good.

If you agree, what would you put third?

If you don't agree, what's most important to you?

I'd love to start a dialogue and hear your point of view.

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