Pinterest ( If you're not on pinterest and you love beautiful things, get on over to the website to request an invite. You can even follow me! (u: cebella) Below are a few of my favorite things that I pinned today! Enjoy!

As someone who is constantly losing everything, keys, phone, my mind, etc, this is a cute way to hang keys. It's recycled wood siding board, vintage baby blocks, paint, glue, nails, and screw in cup hooks. Super easy! And so much fun to personalize! I'm sensing a homemade wedding gift in my future! Love!
If you're not the handy type, rumor has it that you can order a ready made key rack here.

I love this super simple decorating idea! You'll need: Glass Vase, Buttons, Water, and Flowers.
Can life be more simple?
Change up colors for different occasions. Red and green for Christmas, Red and pink for Valentine's, Red, white, and blue for Independence Day, etc. (I'm sensing I'll need a lot of red buttons.) Add a ribbon or raffia for a little more glamour.
Hint: do floating tests on your buttons, I like it when the buttons sink to the bottom, but it's a preference, make sure it looks the way you want it to. Love!

This is genius!
All you need are strawberries and a straw.
Line the straw up on the bottom of the strawberry, push through until stem is removed in one fluid motion.
Perfect for finger food parties and dipping in chocolate.
I feel good about this simple trick, I feel like I'm wasting less strawberry and making a smaller mess. Love!

With the holidays upon us, we need our homes to be welcoming and warm, and look good too.
All you need are candles, cinnamon sticks, and string. It can be helpful to use a little dollop of glue on the candle to adhere the cinnamon sticks to the candle. I love it when the string is wrapped several times and then tied in these loopy bows. Beautiful!
Remember, safety first! Light candles after glue has dried, make sure string is hanging free away from any other candles, place all candles on fire resistant base, and never leave open flames unattended. (I think my firemen friends are satisfied.) Love!
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