Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Caret, Vol.1, Ep.8

In my mind, I think of Jesus as the sun.  God as the giver of life, and Jesus as the sustainer of all living things.  He's big and powerful and could destroy me in a second.  But, He's loving and warm and chases away the demons of darkness.

It's not a standard or widely accepted theology.  It's an analogy.

And I don't believe in the whole "Mother Earth" thing because without God, earth would be just one more floating rock in space.  And without Jesus, I would be just one more soul on it's way to hell.  So I guess, in my astronomical analogy of life and eternity, I'm like earth, nothing special until God created new life in me.

Also, in this analogy, I want to be like the moon so that I can reflect the sun's light to earth.  Reflect Jesus to earth.  Lead others to the center of the universe, bring them to Christ.

It brings a whole new meaning to in the world but not of it.  I'm a floating rock in space, part of the earth, but made of moon.

Did I lose you?

It's an analogy, and it has a few kinks.

The point is, I love the poem from above because it explains how I feel about my Savior.  And I love the moon because it pulls me back to Him.  (Like ocean waves... too much analogy? I know.)

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