Thursday, November 24, 2011

Comma Vol.1, Ep.1

Dear Friends,

Happy Thanksgiving! I am so thankful for you! I hope your thanksgiving was as wonderful and delicious as mine.

My family and I spent most of the day cooking together. We had all of our thanksgiving favorites: turkey, stuffing, & gravy; mashed potatoes; green bean casserole; sweet potato pie; corn muffins, and cranberry jello. (my favorite!) We're taking a little break from food to go to a movie at the budget theatre in Greenfield. I'm finally going to see "the help" and I am so excited! When we get back, we'll have pecan and apple pies. We also have some leftover pumpkin caramel kringle left over from breakfast. (If you're ever in wisconsin, you must have O&H kringle! It's better than cheese - I'm from Wisconsin so you know if I think it's better than cheese, it has to be good!)

Our thanksgiving tradition is to go around the table before we pray and say at least one thing we're thankful for. We've done that for as long as I can remember.

What are your traditions? Is there something you and your family do that make your time together unique?

My favorite part of today, amidst all of the cooking craziness, was receiving text messages from friends all over the states! It's wonderful to reconnect and just want to let you know I miss you all!

Off to the movie!

Love Always,



  1. Loved The Help! But enjoyed the book so much more. There's just no way they can fit all the details and all the little sub-plots into a 2-hour movie.

  2. Me too! Such a great movie! I totally want to read the book now!
