If you're not on pinterest and you love beautiful things, get on over to the website to request an invite. You can even follow me! (u: cebella) Below are a few of my favorite christmas things that I pinned today! I love things that sparkle, homemade ornaments, poofy wreaths, and sassy sayings! Enjoy!

I adore this decorating idea! A large crystal bowl filled with spray painted pine cones and glitter! Lots of glitter! So easy and produces a stunning result! And it can turn into such a lovely conversation piece to fill those long pauses between estranged family members around the christmas feast.
Spray paint pine cones with base color, let dry, then use spray glitter for a bit of sparkle. Let dry and then pop in large decorative bowl. See?
Easy as store-bought-pie! (If you've ever made a homemade pie, you know it's not easy!) Love!

These are a genuine treasure! Especially with old photos of family, such as grandparents or young children. And what a great way to repurpose old cookie cutters that produced cookies that were too easy to burn and even harder to decorate without breaking.
Glue, fancy paper, ribbon, and bam! Awesome ornaments to treasure for a lifetime of christmas seasons. Love!
These peppermint snowflake ornaments are bound to be fun to make, if only because of the dynamic combination of peppermint and cinnamon that will blast your tongue as you sneak a few nibbles.
Martha Stewart recommends frosting to secure candy together, I say, glue is longer lasting and much more effective in deterring the hungry from eating decorations straight off the tree. (The hungry includes children, surly uncles, sneaky dogs, and stray boyfriends.)
Lay five peppermints in a circle to form a wreath, use frosting [glue] to secure, top with cinnamon candies [red hots] or anything else festive you find lying around the house. Attach a holiday ribbon or string and you're good to go. For an extra punch of Christmas cheer, spray glitter that bad boy. Love!

Check out one of my fellow blogger's posts for awesomely thorough instructions: Little Miss Momma
It is NOT for the faint of heart, Little Miss Momma says you'll need to use 350-375 coffee filters to make this loveliness. That's right! I said coffee filters! I know! I didn't believe it either!
Personally, I'd use a red ribbon to hang the wreath, after bedazzling it with some silver spray glitter. (I'm addicted!) Love!
Not feeling crafty? Feeling sassy? Hit up this etsy store: The Country Workshop, and discover pure awesomeness!
If you're cheap like me, get a wood board, sand it along the grain, (wipe it off), spray paint it, (print off a sassy saying in the font and format of your choice), trace or create a stencil from print, paint on lettering, use stickers or GLITTER to pop on some stars, and BAM! You've
got yourself a sassy sign! Love!
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