Monday, January 2, 2012

Tilde Vol.1, Ep.1

I love the way you say "goodnight"

I love this movie. Lullaby of Broadway.  And this song is one of my favorites, "I love the way you say goodnight".  

I'm just imagining my life in ten years.  Sitting on my sofa, working on my computer, and then peering around my laptop screen, I see two little girls with blonde curly hair, laying on their stomachs, fascinated by Doris Day and Gene Nelson.  

They watch the television intently until Doris and Gene begin to dance, then my girls, inspired by the music push themselves up and begin to twirl.  The older one says "watch me, mommy" as she spins, the smaller one watches her big sister and then tries to mimic her, calling out the same with much less annunciation.  They spin until the end of the song, throwing their arms out, abandoning their bodies, and then collapse onto the rug, laughing with dizziness.  

The oldest staggers to her feet and pushes up against the sofa to talk to me.  Then she crawls up beside me, resting her head against my arm, watching me type.  The younger continues watching the movie until she realizes that big sis is on the sofa and not wanting to miss out on the mommy action.  She runs over and flips her leg up on the sofa, almost losing her balance three times, she pulls herself up on the sofa and leans against my other arm.  Soon they are asking an endless store of questions, I answer patiently, of course, and then the next song starts and they're quiet again.  

A boy runs in, stopping directly in front of the tv and my older daughter yells for her big brother to move out of the way, he does so, reluctantly, after rolling his eyes.  He drops to the floor with a heave and then as the movie is ending he asks if I heard the baby crying.  I thank him as I get up to go into the nursery and he climbs up in my spot between his little sisters, I come back in holding the baby and wondering at the wonderful blessings sitting on my sofa and held in my arms.  

I smile as they clamor for another movie.  I turn off the tv and urge them to go play outside... and they run in front of me to get their shoes from the rug by the door.  Laughing as they push open the screen door.

Just a dream I have...

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