Happy New Year Friends!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Watermark Vol.1, Ep.6
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Watermark Vol.1, Ep.5
dear santa,
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Watermark Vol.1, Ep.4
Caret Vol.1, Ep.7
It's okay to fail.
I've failed at a lot of things this past year.
If I were to chart out personal failures vs. personal successes, the failures would outweigh the successes by at least double.
In fact, I've failed at "failing" - I fail, but then I make it worse by reacting negatively thusly doubling the failure.
However, after this past year, I no longer see failure as a bad thing. (At least, I'm continuing to alter my attitude toward failure.)
When I fail, it means I tried. I tried something that I wasn't sure I would be good at. I did my best and it wasn't enough to claim success. But, I tried. And I'm proud of that.
It's a super personal thing, maybe you can relate.
I've never tried anything - honest - that I knew I would fail.
I've always played it safe. Until 2011.
No more playing it safe. I jump in and I say "yes" to nearly every question. (I'll try pretty much anything, but I'm not irresponsible or dumb.)
I said "yes" to bird-sitting even though I've been terrified of birds since kindergarten. (I had a bad experience.) And I was awful those first few weeks. I thought I would go insane. I failed!
And out of my failure to be an amazing -scratch that- rudimentary "bird-sitter," God succeeded. He brought me to my knees and I was completely dependent on Him. He brought me to the realization that this feisty parrot was His creation, and my care for Simon was part of God's plan. I was going to learn what God wanted me to learn through Simon, no matter how frustrated and discouraged I felt. I failed by myself, but I succeeded through God.
I failed to find a job over the last four months, even now, I feel like I'm failing. "I should have tried harder." "A bad economy isn't an excuse." "I'm just lazy." These are the thoughts that fill my mind and keep my awake at night. I'm still learning what God's plan is through this period of my life.
I failed in several relationships this year. I let things slide because it was too painful or I was too lazy. I hate admitting that to myself, even more so to my friends who must feel I've disappeared off the face of the earth. I don't like failing at relationships. That is the one thing I've consistently done well; maintaining connections with people, even when we're separated by many miles. Or at least, I thought I did.
I've failed in my relationship with God most of all. Yes, I depended heavily on Him while I was going through a rough time, but once things got better, my desire for Him lessened. I truly feel like I'm a "bad weather" Christian - and that is a huge failure to me. I want to interrupt this cycle, to praise Him when things are coming together AND falling apart.
It's difficult to be out of control. It feels awful to fail.
But I enjoy the small successes so much more now.
I got a temp job. It's not a big thing to most people, but it's exciting to me. It opens up a whole new world of experiences and opportunities.
Even in my failure, God lifts me up and brings me closer to Him.
I'm willing to try it, but it's God who will succeed.
I've failed at a lot of things this past year.
If I were to chart out personal failures vs. personal successes, the failures would outweigh the successes by at least double.
In fact, I've failed at "failing" - I fail, but then I make it worse by reacting negatively thusly doubling the failure.
However, after this past year, I no longer see failure as a bad thing. (At least, I'm continuing to alter my attitude toward failure.)
When I fail, it means I tried. I tried something that I wasn't sure I would be good at. I did my best and it wasn't enough to claim success. But, I tried. And I'm proud of that.
It's a super personal thing, maybe you can relate.
I've never tried anything - honest - that I knew I would fail.
I've always played it safe. Until 2011.
No more playing it safe. I jump in and I say "yes" to nearly every question. (I'll try pretty much anything, but I'm not irresponsible or dumb.)
I said "yes" to bird-sitting even though I've been terrified of birds since kindergarten. (I had a bad experience.) And I was awful those first few weeks. I thought I would go insane. I failed!
And out of my failure to be an amazing -scratch that- rudimentary "bird-sitter," God succeeded. He brought me to my knees and I was completely dependent on Him. He brought me to the realization that this feisty parrot was His creation, and my care for Simon was part of God's plan. I was going to learn what God wanted me to learn through Simon, no matter how frustrated and discouraged I felt. I failed by myself, but I succeeded through God.
I failed to find a job over the last four months, even now, I feel like I'm failing. "I should have tried harder." "A bad economy isn't an excuse." "I'm just lazy." These are the thoughts that fill my mind and keep my awake at night. I'm still learning what God's plan is through this period of my life.
I failed in several relationships this year. I let things slide because it was too painful or I was too lazy. I hate admitting that to myself, even more so to my friends who must feel I've disappeared off the face of the earth. I don't like failing at relationships. That is the one thing I've consistently done well; maintaining connections with people, even when we're separated by many miles. Or at least, I thought I did.
I've failed in my relationship with God most of all. Yes, I depended heavily on Him while I was going through a rough time, but once things got better, my desire for Him lessened. I truly feel like I'm a "bad weather" Christian - and that is a huge failure to me. I want to interrupt this cycle, to praise Him when things are coming together AND falling apart.
It's difficult to be out of control. It feels awful to fail.
But I enjoy the small successes so much more now.
I got a temp job. It's not a big thing to most people, but it's exciting to me. It opens up a whole new world of experiences and opportunities.
Even in my failure, God lifts me up and brings me closer to Him.
I'm willing to try it, but it's God who will succeed.
about me,
God's plan,
most important,
quarter life crisis,
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Watermark Vol.1, Ep.2
surreal experiences
Caret Vol.1, Ep.6
I have "River" by Joni Mitchell floating through my subconscious currently. Do you know that song?

I feel like avoiding Christmas a little bit this year. It's odd because I love it so much. But, I'd really love to not have to deal with the comparison and jealousy that comes up with every christmas card received. I am often and usually very happy that people I know and love are doing well and being blessed. On a rare occasion, I glance at the card of a previous childhood challenger and feel inadequate. Then, jealous. Really jealous.
They are married, with children, have a good job, went on a fantastic trip, etc.
All things I want. All things I do not currently have.
Proverbs 27:3-5 "A stone is heavy, and sand is weighty, but a fool's provocation is heavier than both. Wrath is cruel, anger is overwhelming, but who can stand before jealousy? Better is open rebuke than hidden love." (ESV)
However, more than wanting these things, I do not want to feel like this. Green with envy. The green eyed monster. (I get enough of that already as my eyes actually turn green at times.)
And God doesn't want me to feel like that either.
I was listening to a James MacDonald podcast on my way to work this week. (That's right, more about work later.)
And he laid out three steps to overcome jealousy.
1. Pray for blessing on those whom you feel jealous of.
2. Encourage them.
3. Defend them.
He says "you won't feel jealous when those people receive blessing because that's what you prayed for."
So that's what I'm going to do from now on. Starting Now.
Rochester, WI 53167, USA
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Alinea Vol.1, Ep.1
One of my favorite memories as a child was of my dad reading to us kids before bed. We all shared the same room, so he would come in and read one of his favorite books: The Hobbit or The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. (At least those are the ones I actually remember.) I discovered this beautifulness in FREE podcast form so I can now relive those positive childhood memories everyday on my drive to work AND YOU CAN TOO! Download today!
And if you've never read The Chronicles of Narnia or The Lord of the Rings - it's a fantastic item to put on your Christmas list!
And if you've never read The Chronicles of Narnia or The Lord of the Rings - it's a fantastic item to put on your Christmas list!
Monday, December 12, 2011
Comma Vol.1, Ep.6
Dear Wheaton House,
Just wanted to write you a little note to thank you. I love all of your fanciful attributes and unique characteristics. You gave me an escape that I desperately needed, almost a year ago, and now. And you set me right. You provided me the opportunity to gain some much needed perspective. You were the vehicle that God used to demonstrate His faithfulness, provision, and unending love.
I love your beautiful hardwood floors, the plush carpet on the stairs, and the cool tile in the kitchen that shocked me awake every morning. The curved banister, frosted glass front door, and that wide porch where Simon and I would sit and watch the world. Love!
Yes, you fostered my first positive experience with a bird, and an exotic one at that! Simon. There are definitely moments that I miss him. I miss the automatic "hello" every time I come in through the front door. I miss singing as I cook and hearing him singing along with me. I miss dancing with Simon on my shoulder or spinning while he clutches the back of my shirt. I even miss the hair pulling and constant chatter when he wants attention. (I do not miss the screeching and attempted biting.)
Thank you for being a daily adventure. I loved discovering something new every day. The secret staircase. The wine cellar. And that closet under the front steps that seemed like a secret passage way into the study.
Thank you for the large rooms and high ceilings, I loved the acoustics and space to twirl.
Thank you for the french doors, walking through them made me feel so regal.
Thank you for the old fashioned bathtub with claw feet, it made bathing so much more alluring.
Thank you for the two closets in my room, I have way too much stuff but you never held that against me.
Thank you for the amazing kitchen, seriously, the most counter space I've ever seen in my life, and I had to work to fill every inch of it!
Thank you for the automatic ice maker, it's a luxury I will never take for granted.
Thank you for the wide porch roof that kept my car free of snow, saved me from the embarrassment of being late many times!
Thank you for the big yard, the flowers, and those huge trees that fortified my safe harbor.
You really are one of the best houses I've ever had the pleasure of living in. Despite the long driveway that nearly killed me to shovel after the blizzard. (4 hours!)
Someday, I hope I have a house as cool as you.
I miss you and Simon already.
Your temporary housesitter,
Charity (you know, the one who like to rearrange all of the furniture)
Just wanted to write you a little note to thank you. I love all of your fanciful attributes and unique characteristics. You gave me an escape that I desperately needed, almost a year ago, and now. And you set me right. You provided me the opportunity to gain some much needed perspective. You were the vehicle that God used to demonstrate His faithfulness, provision, and unending love.
I love your beautiful hardwood floors, the plush carpet on the stairs, and the cool tile in the kitchen that shocked me awake every morning. The curved banister, frosted glass front door, and that wide porch where Simon and I would sit and watch the world. Love!
Yes, you fostered my first positive experience with a bird, and an exotic one at that! Simon. There are definitely moments that I miss him. I miss the automatic "hello" every time I come in through the front door. I miss singing as I cook and hearing him singing along with me. I miss dancing with Simon on my shoulder or spinning while he clutches the back of my shirt. I even miss the hair pulling and constant chatter when he wants attention. (I do not miss the screeching and attempted biting.)
Thank you for being a daily adventure. I loved discovering something new every day. The secret staircase. The wine cellar. And that closet under the front steps that seemed like a secret passage way into the study.
Thank you for the large rooms and high ceilings, I loved the acoustics and space to twirl.
Thank you for the french doors, walking through them made me feel so regal.
Thank you for the old fashioned bathtub with claw feet, it made bathing so much more alluring.
Thank you for the two closets in my room, I have way too much stuff but you never held that against me.
Thank you for the amazing kitchen, seriously, the most counter space I've ever seen in my life, and I had to work to fill every inch of it!
Thank you for the automatic ice maker, it's a luxury I will never take for granted.
Thank you for the wide porch roof that kept my car free of snow, saved me from the embarrassment of being late many times!
Thank you for the big yard, the flowers, and those huge trees that fortified my safe harbor.
You really are one of the best houses I've ever had the pleasure of living in. Despite the long driveway that nearly killed me to shovel after the blizzard. (4 hours!)
Someday, I hope I have a house as cool as you.
I miss you and Simon already.
Your temporary housesitter,
Charity (you know, the one who like to rearrange all of the furniture)
Wheaton, IL 60187, USA
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Watermark Vol.1, Ep.1
love story,
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Asterisk Vol.1, Ep.3
Christmas Cookie

It might be in bad taste to post two chocolate chip cookie dessert ideas that also involve ice cream. But it's not my fault! Chocolate chip is my FAVORITE cookie and I'm seriously addicted to ice cream. Plus, cooking butter without burning it is hard.
This ice cream cookie dough pie I can do, no problem. Bake regular cookie dough crust, spread with soft serve ice cream, and top with cookie dough chunks. (Salmonella concerns: make dough using egg substitute.) Just thinking about it is making me hungry. Love!

I just realized the underlying pizza theme I've got going on in this post, but that ends here. Unless I make a reference to place candies on these spoons is as easy as putting pepperoni on a pizza. But these are really too sweet to compare.
These chocolate party spoons are perfect kid friendly sweets or for stirring a little sweetness into your coffee. Also, a fantastic use of leftover sprinkles that are cluttering up your kitchen cabinets.
Make sure to use Christmas colored spoons and sprinkles, those pictured are a little too pastel-y for the holidays. I can't wait for our holiday party so I can try these bad boys out! Love!
If you're not on pinterest and you love beautiful things, get on over to the website to request an invite. You can even follow me! (u: cebella) Below are a few of my favorite christmas desserts that I pinned today! I love chocolate chip cookies, ice cream, fruit pizza, and chocolate! Enjoy!

Xialou of 6 Bittersweets calls this beauty a "browned butter pizzzzookie" - I call it YUM! She explains cooking with butter in detail on her blog. All very informative AND sassy!
What a perfect departure from the typical frosted christmas sugar cookie! And a fantastic to eat ice cream during the winter! I'm from Wisconsin so I don't need to rationalize eating cold ice cream when it's cold everywhere outside. It's my civic duty to support the local economy that is the dairy state.
The rest of the frozen tundra may not hold the same dedication to supporting Wisconsin's economy, but this delightful dish is bound to change your mind. Love!

It might be in bad taste to post two chocolate chip cookie dessert ideas that also involve ice cream. But it's not my fault! Chocolate chip is my FAVORITE cookie and I'm seriously addicted to ice cream. Plus, cooking butter without burning it is hard.
This ice cream cookie dough pie I can do, no problem. Bake regular cookie dough crust, spread with soft serve ice cream, and top with cookie dough chunks. (Salmonella concerns: make dough using egg substitute.) Just thinking about it is making me hungry. Love!
Here is my token "healthy" holiday treat: FRUIT TACOS! Take a standard fruit pizza recipe and instead of spreading crust, form into tortilla shapes and bake over oven safe tubes like those used for making a cannoli.
Then fill with cream cheese frosting and top with fresh cut fruit. Yummy in the tummy! Love!

I just realized the underlying pizza theme I've got going on in this post, but that ends here. Unless I make a reference to place candies on these spoons is as easy as putting pepperoni on a pizza. But these are really too sweet to compare.
These chocolate party spoons are perfect kid friendly sweets or for stirring a little sweetness into your coffee. Also, a fantastic use of leftover sprinkles that are cluttering up your kitchen cabinets.
Make sure to use Christmas colored spoons and sprinkles, those pictured are a little too pastel-y for the holidays. I can't wait for our holiday party so I can try these bad boys out! Love!
Wheaton, IL, USA
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Ampersand, Vol.1, Ep.4
I am so excited to be in Wheaton this weekend. I have the opportunity to take care of Simon for a few days, plus I get a free place to stay near friends without having to impose on anyone.
I took care of Simon for six months while his family was in Peru. Simon is a beautiful macaw. We had our struggles at first. Lots of biting and screeching, etc. But within a month or too, we had really bonded and would sing together while I did housework or went for walks around the yard. I'm hoping he remembers me and I don't have to spend the entire weekend dodging his sharp beak. Simon's family lives in the most wonderful old farmhouse with lots of bedrooms, a secret staircase, and a wine cellar. It's one of my favorite houses of all time. I'm really looking forward to having a little - okay, a LOT - of space to myself. It was a weird transition moving back to my parent's home: going from an empty house to a full house (Loved that show!) with people in and out and around all of the time! Somedays, I'm still not used to it.
I'm also really excited to hang out with my friend, Katie. She's awesome! So creative and sweet! She just opened an etsy shop called "Under the Redwood Tree" and you should totally check it out. And her blog, "Work in Progress" where she showcases all of the creative things she does and keeps everyone updated on her busy life. Katie and I had coffee nearly every week while we were in grad school. We loved getting our favorite drink at Starbucks and then perusing the various shops nearby, searching for inspiration and special treasures. We originally met and became close through our "triad" - a semester long group project. The other third of our triad was Justina and I'm hoping she'll be around this weekend, too, though it's unlikely as she lives farther away than I do. (Below: our triad at graduation last spring)
I'm hoping to see other grad school friends as well. But I really miss my boys! I was their nanny for two years (all thru grad school) and it's been weird not seeing them everyday. We skype occasionally, but it's not the same. (Below: Aaki and Ash hold a valentine they made)
And that's really what this post is about, I guess. I was really close to some of the people in my cohort. For the first year and half of the second, we saw each other at least twice a week because we had all of our classes together. But apart from Katie, Justina, and a few others, I didn't have nearly the depth of relationship with my fellow graduate students that I had with Ash, Aaki, their mom, and their neighbors.
And I think the reason that it was like that makes sense. I lived life with Ash and Aaki.
Whereas I merely interacted with graduate school, most of the time. I was friends with my fellow students while I was at school, I was happy to randomly see a familiar face outside of school, and I found it diverting to socialize with them. But it wasn't real life. At least not for me.
In fact, I lived with a few students for about a year. And it was frustrating to live separate but parallel lives, in the same house, with the same group of friends, and going to the same classes. We weren't living life together. We all had separate jobs, separate internship sites, separate cars, separate churches, and separate routines. Even now, I don't know what I could have done differently to live life together with them.
I guess, what I'm saying and thinking about, in regards to relationships is in order for relationships to grow, be maintained, and flourish, there must be consistency, consideration, and collaboration. (3C's)
Consistency: I cared for Ash and Aaki everyday, morning and afternoon for two years. Every morning, we read the bible and ate breakfast together and every afternoon, we had the same routine: put stuff away, change clothes, snack, homework, play, dinner, play, bedtime story, sleep. They knew me and I knew them because we did the humdrum of life together.
The reason Katie and I became such good friends is we made a point to meet every week for coffee: same time, same place. 10:30 am, every Wednesday, Starbucks. And talked. We talked and listened and thought about we how were talking and listening.
Consideration: If Ash or Aaki had a meltdown, or I had a headache, our routine shifted to accommodate new developments. Sometimes it made us late, but that really only bothered me and their teachers, and that's life.
Between Katie and I, it was okay for one, or often both, of us to raincheck our normal coffee date time. Life happens. And when it did, we understood and made plans to meet another time during the week or skip it. No one got mad, or hurt, or upset. We just picked up where we left off the next week.
Collaboration: I always strived to allow Ash and Aaki to have a strong sense of self determination, especially when they had behaved well enough to earn a special treat or outing. But it's different relationship between an adult and children, than it is between two friends. Even so, I felt it was important for our relationship that their opinions were given weight and, if earned, they got to do what they wanted to do if it was within my power to make it happen.
During the summer, it was at first difficult to find a time to meet for coffee that worked with both Katie's and my busy schedules. But we sat down, put our heads together and made it work because our relationship was important to us. We were both willing to sacrifice some non-essential activities in order to connect. It was a priority.
Relationships that don't work; that fizzle or implode, often do so because one or both parties do not prioritize the relationship. So, if a relationship is important to you, treat it as such, take it out to coffee, or just live life with it conscientiously. Let your relationships know that they are important to you. Today. (Challenge extended.)
(If you're in the Wheaton area and would like to see me this weekend, please give me a call or fb me here. Thanks!)
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Ellipses Vol.5, Ep.1
White Girl, Brown Dog
I walked along the street one day, from my house to yours.
As I was passing on my way, with my matching hound
I saw a sight, I dare to say, that shocked me to my core.
There was a girl, fair of hair, that is common to see.
Yet along her side, was not a fair canine bride.
But a dirt-brown dog.
I stood aghast, as the girl floated past.
I could scarcely utter "hello."
My own loyal mutt, was himself in a rut, to meet his strange new foe.
For in our town, it is the guide, that dogs and masters coincide.
It happens quite naturally, and the resemblance is often uncanny.
Whit Carnation got himself a Dalmatian, and soon developed spots.
The Irish Setter belongs to the redhead who pets her, on their daily walks.
So as you can see, it's odd to me.
White girl, brown dog.
Comment below with your ideas for more townsfolk to coincide with these breeds: Weimaraner, Husky, Golden Retriever, Jack Russell Terrier, German Shepherd, Boxer, Rottweiler, Poodle, Shih Tzu, Beagle, and Dachshund.
bedtime story,
short story
Monday, December 5, 2011
Comma Vol.1, Ep.5

Hi, how are you? It's me, Charity.
As usual, I have lots of questions. How does this whole free stuff thing work? Do you only deliver toys? Or is that just a hollywood movie gimmick? Do you get royalties from all these movies about you? How do you deliver so many presents in one night?
How old are you? I mean, in all of the movies and photos, you look pretty good, but legend has it you've been around a while. And lets be perfectly honest, (since I'm trying so hard to stay on the nice list) if there's a legend about you, you're old.
Let's talk color scheme, I'm assuming someone told you red was your color, once upon a time. But seriously? There's this line between enough and too much red, and you're well, lets just say that if the line is the equator...
So, I propose that while you're in town, we do a little makeover. I'm thinking something dignified: black or navy, a nice pinstripe, and a red tie. (I recognize the importance of tradition.) You probably feel self conscious about the weight, don't even worry about it. Everything will be tailor made to fit and flatter. As for an overcoat, think a Bublé-esque trench coat. Mrs. Claus is going to love it!
As you can probably tell, I've been very good this year. I'm always trying to help people be their best self, and trendy, too! All I ask for as a reward are a few small items.
1. Paint Set - I have this huge blank space on my wall that needs some color ASAP! A large canvas would be nice, too!
2. Holiday Barbie - I always wanted one as a little girl, but never got one. In fact, I got a lot of clothes which made me into quite the fashionista. You're reaping the consequences of that now, aren't you?
3. North Face Women's TKA 80, Size L, White and Cha Cha Pink - A couple shout wipes in the pockets are also recommended, you know how white fabric attracts stains, especially when I'm wearing it.
4. iPhone 4S - If you're really in a Christmasy mood, you could get me the iPhone 5, but I'll take what I can get.
5. $ - Rumor has it, those elves can make anything. Some extra green would be awesome. In fact, if you forget the rest of this list, it's okay. Just slip the cash into my stocking, I won't tell my brothers.
Oh, and if you have a 2012 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Sahara lying around, I'd be more than happy to take it off your hands. It's really no trouble at all.
Thanks so much! I'll be sure to leave my famous oatmeal chocolate chip pecan cookies and milk out for you. (Skim milk, of course.)
Happy Christmas!
Rochester, WI
P.S. Say "Hi!" to Mrs. Claus and all of the reindeer for me! And tell the elves that clothes aren't the only thing made of fabric... $
dear santa,
Caret Vol.1, Ep.5
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus

Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full in His wonderful face
And the things of earth will go strangely dim
In the light of His glory and grace
That's one of my favorite worship songs. Whenever I begin to feel overwhelmed, I hum the tune to myself. Close my eyes and roll the words around in my mind. I lift my face to heaven and instantly feel a warmth like sunshine spread over me. It feels like Jesus is smiling at me and I automatically smile back, take a deep breath, and open my eyes, ready for anything because He's with me.
That's a really powerful idea for me. Someone on my same side. I've always been very independent. Happy to have friends near me, but just as content to be on my own. When faced with adversity, I'm not afraid to stand alone. In fact, I often come to the aid of those who are in need. I join their side. I have no stake in their argument, but I believe in a fair fight and I commit to whatever we're fighting for.
It happens, then, because I seem so strong, that many don't recognize my need and I am too proud, independent, and self-sufficient to ask. At least to ask anyone else. (I'm working on it...) When I depend only on myself, I falter and faint. Completely spent, I collapse inside myself. That's when I turn to Him. Knowing Jesus is with me. That He's going to fight for me. We're on the same side. And He's going to win! He renews my strength and I soar like eagle's wings.
It's Monday. (That's enough for me to want to toss in the towel right there.)
I don't have a job. I'm running out of money. I'm single. I live with my parents.
But I'm turning my eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of my faith, who for the joy set before Him, endured the cross scorning that shame (oh snap!) and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. (Hebrews 12:2 and a shout out to my camp timber-lee oak ridge thug thursday ladies)
Jesus is with me. He's got this.
about me,
God's plan,
quarter life crisis
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Apostrophe Vol.26, Ep.55
My Weekend According to Instagram!

- ladies brunch decorations - Evan, the cutest baby in the world! -
- Mom driving to tree farm - hunting down the perfect tree -
- finally picking a tree - Ernie, stealing a stocking -
- organizing ornaments - tree, decorated - whew! I'm exhausted -
about me,
home decor
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Apostrophe Vol.26, Ep.54
Happy Weekend!
And Merry Christmas-Preparations!
I am so excited this morning! Our church is having our annual Ladies Christmas Brunch. I've missed it the last few years because of school and work and grad school. But with none of those things in my life, I am free to attend! Yay!

We're going to have brunch and laugh, sing Christmas carols and laugh, exchange gifts and laugh, and laugh, and laugh, and laugh! This year we're also collecting items for Samaritan's Purse.
And then! After a perfectly delicious brunch, Mom and I are going to hunt down the most beautiful Christmas tree! Last year, we started looking much too close to Christmas and had a jolly good, but nearly treeless, time. If you care to peruse my twitter favorites, you can see the play-by-play.
After we bring the tree home, the rest of the day will be filled with organizing and decorating and filling the house with Christmas cheer! It's going to be awesome!
If you're in the Rochester area, you can join in the chaos and attend the Resurrected Reads bookstore open house and maybe even get some sweet (& cheap) books. Stop by from 10 am to 2 pm. (Below is the ad I designed - I'm so proud!)

home decor,
resurrected reads
Friday, December 2, 2011
Ellipses Vol.1, Ep.3
Unbeknownst to Cora, her father had just finished being interviewed by the soldiers who had recently arrived at Fort George. It wasn't often that this many officers came to Fort George during training - in fact it had never happened and the whole town was buzzing with speculation. Many of the prominent citizens had been interviewed. Most of the questions were regarding when people had moved to and from Brighton. And all of the children that had been born throughout the last 20 years.
Cora's father had been puzzled by the questions and assumed they were asking for historical or census reasons. He was genuinely surprised when they told him that they may need to see him for further questioning. Though the store was well established - Harry and his family had lived in Brighton for less than than 10 years - they had moved just after Emily was born. So Harry knew little of the town's history - except what he had gathered over the years.
Read Previous Entries Here:
love story,
short story,
to be continued
Caret Vol.1, Ep.4
Sooner or later, I will see the BIG PICTURE God is painting in my life,
instead of just the color He is using at the moment.
Psalm 119:49-50 (ESV)
Remember your word to your servant, in which you have made me hope.
This is my comfort in my affliction, that your promise gives me life.
I cannot see all that God has planned for me.
But I must holdfast to hope.
Hope that God is going to work out my present circumstances for His glory.
Faith that God will sustain me as I wait, even though I cannot see.
"Hope is faith holding out its hand in the dark."
George Iles
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Ampersand, Vol.1, Ep.3
It seems, in general, that Christian men take all the time in the world to declare intentions to the object of their affection. Or never actually get around to doing that.
Thusly, us females tend to live in a state of complete confusion and tension. Thoughts rush around our brains like an express train on a twisted mountain ridge.
And it's so much easier to blame the guy. It's his fault for leading us on or not making a move.
We get so upset/irate/frustrated that we can react negatively/strangely. {We were going to walk in and she was going to say "sit down"}
However, we females are responsible for our decision to get on the erratic thought train, the rushing to and fro between "he loves me" and "he hates me." Get off the train! Even express trains have to stop sometimes. When you get the opportunity, gather your belongings and quickly exit through the nearest door.
If you're a guy and you like a girl, let her know. If you do not like a girl, let her know. Define the relationship either way. Do not lie, please. Do not try to soften the blow.
No more playing games, be honest, be truthful, be upfront, be kind, and believe your brother/sister in Christ. If you feel his/her words contradict his/her behavior, tell him/her! He/she may not realize how he/she comes across. He/she may have noticed some contradicting words/behaviors of yours as well. (Raise your hand if you are now completely on the "english needs a gender inclusive singular personal pronoun" bus after reading that paragraph. I nominate "slash.")
So, whether the object of your desire is moving too slow (i.e. not at all) or an acquaintance is, oddly enough, moving too fast and freaking you out. Take a deep breath, get off the train, and pray. Pray, pray, pray! Then tell him/her where you're at in the emotion arena and ask if he/she is in the same place, too.
Please, do not give ultimatums. Ask the question and while you wait for the answer, pray.
Life never goes the way you think it will. Pray, depend completely on God, and be patient.
In my experience, men need other good Christian men around them to talk about relationships, and encourage them to make a move, declare, and start a relationship with the right woman. Women need other good Christian women around them to talk about relationships, and encourage them to get off the erratic thoughts train and be patient while waiting for a relationship with the right man to start.
Friends, any sage words of advice? Thoughts? Please comment below or tweet me: @livehappilyever. Thanks!
God's plan,
Asterisk Vol.1, Ep.2
Christmas Cheer!
Homemade ornaments are, in my opinion, the best thing to hang on your christmas tree. They are unique and always treasured!
This wreath is AMAZING! And you can make it! I believe in you!
If you're not on pinterest and you love beautiful things, get on over to the website to request an invite. You can even follow me! (u: cebella) Below are a few of my favorite christmas things that I pinned today! I love things that sparkle, homemade ornaments, poofy wreaths, and sassy sayings! Enjoy!

I adore this decorating idea! A large crystal bowl filled with spray painted pine cones and glitter! Lots of glitter! So easy and produces a stunning result! And it can turn into such a lovely conversation piece to fill those long pauses between estranged family members around the christmas feast.
Spray paint pine cones with base color, let dry, then use spray glitter for a bit of sparkle. Let dry and then pop in large decorative bowl. See?
Easy as store-bought-pie! (If you've ever made a homemade pie, you know it's not easy!) Love!

These are a genuine treasure! Especially with old photos of family, such as grandparents or young children. And what a great way to repurpose old cookie cutters that produced cookies that were too easy to burn and even harder to decorate without breaking.
Glue, fancy paper, ribbon, and bam! Awesome ornaments to treasure for a lifetime of christmas seasons. Love!
These peppermint snowflake ornaments are bound to be fun to make, if only because of the dynamic combination of peppermint and cinnamon that will blast your tongue as you sneak a few nibbles.
Martha Stewart recommends frosting to secure candy together, I say, glue is longer lasting and much more effective in deterring the hungry from eating decorations straight off the tree. (The hungry includes children, surly uncles, sneaky dogs, and stray boyfriends.)
Lay five peppermints in a circle to form a wreath, use frosting [glue] to secure, top with cinnamon candies [red hots] or anything else festive you find lying around the house. Attach a holiday ribbon or string and you're good to go. For an extra punch of Christmas cheer, spray glitter that bad boy. Love!

Check out one of my fellow blogger's posts for awesomely thorough instructions: Little Miss Momma
It is NOT for the faint of heart, Little Miss Momma says you'll need to use 350-375 coffee filters to make this loveliness. That's right! I said coffee filters! I know! I didn't believe it either!
Personally, I'd use a red ribbon to hang the wreath, after bedazzling it with some silver spray glitter. (I'm addicted!) Love!
Not feeling crafty? Feeling sassy? Hit up this etsy store: The Country Workshop, and discover pure awesomeness!
If you're cheap like me, get a wood board, sand it along the grain, (wipe it off), spray paint it, (print off a sassy saying in the font and format of your choice), trace or create a stencil from print, paint on lettering, use stickers or GLITTER to pop on some stars, and BAM! You've
got yourself a sassy sign! Love!
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