If you're not on pinterest and you love beautiful things, get on over to the website to request an invite. You can even follow me! (u: cebella) Below are a few of my favorite christmas desserts that I pinned today! I love chocolate chip cookies, ice cream, fruit pizza, and chocolate! Enjoy!

Xialou of 6 Bittersweets calls this beauty a "browned butter pizzzzookie" - I call it YUM! She explains cooking with butter in detail on her blog. All very informative AND sassy!
What a perfect departure from the typical frosted christmas sugar cookie! And a fantastic to eat ice cream during the winter! I'm from Wisconsin so I don't need to rationalize eating cold ice cream when it's cold everywhere outside. It's my civic duty to support the local economy that is the dairy state.
The rest of the frozen tundra may not hold the same dedication to supporting Wisconsin's economy, but this delightful dish is bound to change your mind. Love!

It might be in bad taste to post two chocolate chip cookie dessert ideas that also involve ice cream. But it's not my fault! Chocolate chip is my FAVORITE cookie and I'm seriously addicted to ice cream. Plus, cooking butter without burning it is hard.
This ice cream cookie dough pie I can do, no problem. Bake regular cookie dough crust, spread with soft serve ice cream, and top with cookie dough chunks. (Salmonella concerns: make dough using egg substitute.) Just thinking about it is making me hungry. Love!
Here is my token "healthy" holiday treat: FRUIT TACOS! Take a standard fruit pizza recipe and instead of spreading crust, form into tortilla shapes and bake over oven safe tubes like those used for making a cannoli.
Then fill with cream cheese frosting and top with fresh cut fruit. Yummy in the tummy! Love!

I just realized the underlying pizza theme I've got going on in this post, but that ends here. Unless I make a reference to place candies on these spoons is as easy as putting pepperoni on a pizza. But these are really too sweet to compare.
These chocolate party spoons are perfect kid friendly sweets or for stirring a little sweetness into your coffee. Also, a fantastic use of leftover sprinkles that are cluttering up your kitchen cabinets.
Make sure to use Christmas colored spoons and sprinkles, those pictured are a little too pastel-y for the holidays. I can't wait for our holiday party so I can try these bad boys out! Love!
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