Monday, December 12, 2011

Comma Vol.1, Ep.6

Dear Wheaton House,

Just wanted to write you a little note to thank you.  I love all of your fanciful attributes and unique characteristics.  You gave me an escape that I desperately needed, almost a year ago, and now.  And you set me right.  You provided me the opportunity to gain some much needed perspective.  You were the vehicle that God used to demonstrate His faithfulness, provision, and unending love.

I love your beautiful hardwood floors, the plush carpet on the stairs, and the cool tile in the kitchen that shocked me awake every morning.  The curved banister, frosted glass front door, and that wide porch where Simon and I would sit and watch the world.  Love!

Yes, you fostered my first positive experience with a bird, and an exotic one at that!  Simon.  There are definitely moments that I miss him.  I miss the automatic "hello" every time I come in through the front door.  I miss singing as I cook and hearing him singing along with me.  I miss dancing with Simon on my shoulder or spinning while he clutches the back of my shirt.  I even miss the hair pulling and constant chatter when he wants attention.  (I do not miss the screeching and attempted biting.)

Thank you for being a daily adventure.  I loved discovering something new every day.  The secret staircase. The wine cellar. And that closet under the front steps that seemed like a secret passage way into the study.

Thank you for the large rooms and high ceilings, I loved the acoustics and space to twirl.

Thank you for the french doors, walking through them made me feel so regal.

Thank you for the old fashioned bathtub with claw feet, it made bathing so much more alluring.

Thank you for the two closets in my room, I have way too much stuff but you never held that against me.

Thank you for the amazing kitchen, seriously, the most counter space I've ever seen in my life, and I had to work to fill every inch of it!

Thank you for the automatic ice maker, it's a luxury I will never take for granted.

Thank you for the wide porch roof that kept my car free of snow, saved me from the embarrassment of being late many times!

Thank you for the big yard, the flowers, and those huge trees that fortified my safe harbor.

You really are one of the best houses I've ever had the pleasure of living in.  Despite the long driveway that nearly killed me to shovel after the blizzard.  (4 hours!)

Someday, I hope I have a house as cool as you.

I miss you and Simon already.

Your temporary housesitter,

Charity (you know, the one who like to rearrange all of the furniture)

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